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The success of live video is undeniable and even popular, as shown by the live broadcast of Explorer Grand Prix in October 2022 on Twitch, which had more than one million viewers. The generalization of 5G to facilitate the distribution of live content has also contributed to this growth. Despite this growing trend, few figures in France are available on live streaming. That's why Voilà and OpinionWay conducted a survey to reveal the first figures relating to consumers' uses and expectations on interactive live video. The results of this survey clearly show that there is a real expectation among consumers for this type of content and format. According to this survey, 27% of French people have already been exposed to this new way of business communication, and nearly 90% of them believe that interactive live videos are more engaging than traditional videos.It is a new medium that is particularly popular among 18-34 year olds (44%) and this, on items of:

  • differentiation (89% consider that it is a medium that changes and makes a difference),
  • involvement (88% feel more involved when speaking directly),
  • trust (79% say that it allows you to have more confidence in the content).

Interactive live video meets many use cases, beyond live shopping and gaming. This technology makes it possible to offer varied experiences:

  • Live tutorials or post-purchase support (after-sales service),
  • Retrieving feedback and customer opinions,
  • Launch or demonstrate products to communities or exclusive targets (beta testers or members of loyalty programs),
  • Creation of forums on societal or brand engagement topics, etc.

The results of this survey clearly indicate that interactive live video is an essential marketing tool for businesses that want to stand out and retain their audience in 2023. Consumers increasingly expect to be able to interact with brands in real time, and businesses that can meet this expectation and offer unique and interactive experiences will have every chance of standing out. With the undeniable advantage of capitalizing on your own customer data (first party data) and enriching them without going through third-party platforms.

Le live vidéo interactif, voilà le nouvel eldorado marketing de 2023

About Voilà

Voilà, is the first French platform to use Twitch technology (IVS) for interactive video lives for businesses. Voila offers HD video quality for up to 200,000 people simultaneously and has a whole range of activities to interact with its audience (quiz, vote, survey, 3D object, word cloud, etc.) .Voilà integrates directly with CRM tools on the market, first and foremost with Salesforce.Voilà is ISO 27001 certified.

About the study

Study carried out by OpinionWay on a sample of 1019 people representative of the French population aged 18 and older.The sample was constituted according to the quota method, with regard to the criteria of sex, age, socio-professional category, agglomeration category and region of residence.The sample was interviewed by means of a self-administered online questionnaire on the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) system.Interviews were carried out from 18 to 20 November 2022. To thank them for their participation, the panelists received incentives or made a donation to the proposed association of their choice.Any total or partial publication must imperatively use the following complete mention: “OpinionWay survey for Voilà” and no resumption of the survey can be separated from this title.Request a demo

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