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Legal Notice & Privacy policy

Editor and Developper

Voilà, simplified joint stock company with a capital of 14,868,538 euros, whose head office is located at 40 rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris. Registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 824 500 458 (hereinafter “VOILA”). Value Added Tax Identification Number: FR28824500458.

Publishing director: Yves Christol in his capacity as President of Voilà.


Phone: 01 87 16 70 00


Webflow, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 398 11th Street, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103

Purpose of the site

This Site was created to provide the User with information relating to the activities of the VOILA agency.

The Site cannot constitute a contractual offer. This Site distributes non-contractual information on VOILA, with the aim of describing all of its offers. Insofar as the updating of this Site is carried out taking into account all activities, it could happen that certain new information or announcements are no longer valid at the time of their publication or that they are simply outdated. VOILA cannot guarantee, although it makes the necessary efforts, the perfect updating of all the information or news that is disseminated on this Site.

Finally, the Site allows Users to send VOILA requests (via the contact form) or applications to join its teams.


VOILA will make its best efforts to verify that the content of its Site complies with the French legal provisions in force. In particular, VOILA undertakes not to disseminate data in violation of the rights of third parties, of a violent, pornographic or defamatory nature and not to disseminate illegal content, in particular of a racist, xenophobic, pedophile or otherwise offensive to human dignity. However, VOILA cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information contained on this Site.

The documents that VOILA distributes in electronic version on this Site are subject to numerous reviews; they may however contain errors. In the event of a finding, the User may contact VOILA by email at so that it can make the necessary corrections.

In addition, the texts broadcast may have been updated between the moment when the User viewed them and when the User becomes aware of them. Therefore, VOILA does not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, complete and up to date.

Privacy policy


By using the VOILA website, (hereinafter the “Site”), the user (hereinafter the “User”) accepts the collection and use of his personal data (hereinafter the “Personal Data” or “Data”) under the conditions described in this Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) and the Cookie Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) and the Cookie Policy (hereinafter the “Charter”).

The processing of Personal Data collected from the Site is carried out in compliance with the amended law of January 6, 1978 (“Data Protection Act”) as well as with the General Data Protection Regulation No. 679/2016 (“RGPD”).

The Data Controller is the company Voilà, a single-person simplified joint stock company with a capital of 14,868,538 euros, whose head office is at 40 rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 824 500 458 (hereinafter “VOILA”), taken in the person of its Publishing Director Mr. Yves Christol.

The VOILA Data Protection Officer can be reached at the email address

The Site provides information on VOILA's activities, services, and campaigns, as well as on the composition of its teams. The Policy explains how VOILA uses and protects information collected through the Site.

If the User refuses to give his consent, it is his responsibility not to use this Site, nor to provide his Personal Data through this Site.

Hypertext links may refer to third party sites over which VOILA has no control, including social media platforms. This Policy relates only to Personal Data collected during the use of the Site and does not cover these other websites. VOILA disclaims any responsibility for the content of these sites.

I. Purposes of the collection and processing of Personal Data by VOILA

The purposes of the collection of Personal Data by VOILA on the Site are as follows:

  • Respond quickly and effectively to Users' requests via the contact email address that the User communicates on the Site
  • Manage job applications and, if necessary, build a pool of candidates
  • Establish statistics on the use of the Site, in order to improve its functioning and its services
  • Maintain and maintain the security of the Site (in this respect, it should be noted that VOILA favors the use of anonymized statistical data over the use of Personal Data as far as possible)
  • Allow access to the Site and its functionalities to any User, and/or provide the services that the User requests from VOILA through cookies and other tracers
  • Process and respond to any request from the User concerning the exercise of his rights listed in article V hereof

II. What Personal Data does VOILA collect and process?

“Personal Data” is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, within the meaning of the Data Protection Act and the RGPD.

VOILA is likely to collect the following Personal Data through the Site:

  1. When the User submits a request or an application on the Site, VOILA necessarily collects his email address and may also collect other Personal Data such as his contact details (first name, last name and function, the address of his company, his telephone number), information relating to his professional and academic background if the User submits his application for a job and any other information that the User provides in the body of his message and/or request.
  2. During the User's browsing, VOILA also collects, through cookies and other trackers, limited Personal Data related to the use of the Site, namely the IP address, the type of browser used, the operating system, the operating system, the websites visited before and after the Site. For more information on this subject, the User may refer to the Charter below.

III. On what legal basis (s) is VOILA based?

The processing of Personal Data collected on the Site is based on:

  • the execution of pre-contractual measures, when VOILA processes the User's requests relating to its services or offers sent by email or via the Site form
  • the User's consent, when VOILA processes job applications, and keeps the CV and motivation letter received in this context within its CV library, in order to be able to identify in the future a position likely to correspond to the User
  • the legitimate interests of VOILA, when VOILA processes data as part of the maintenance and implementation of measures to preserve the security of the Site
  • the User's consent, when VOILA uses functionality cookies or audience measurement cookies
  • legal obligations, in particular when VOILA processes requests related to the exercise of the rights listed in article V hereof

The User may send to the VOILA Data Protection Officer a request in order to obtain additional information on the checks carried out by VOILA to ensure that it was in a position to process its Personal Data based on its legitimate interest.

IV. Who does VOILA share your Personal Data with?

Users' Personal Data will not be transmitted to third parties, unless otherwise specified in this Policy.

Personal Data may be transmitted:

  • In the context of a merger, acquisition or sale of all or part of VOILA's assets, to its beneficiaries, or
  • To establish, exercise or defend our VOILA rights in the context of a dispute, in particular to the competent jurisdiction or to the advice of the parties, or
  • When required by law, to respond to requests from legal or administrative bodies, governmental authorities or jurisdictions

If the services of third parties are necessary to ensure the technical maintenance of the Site or VOILA software processing the User's Personal Data, for the hosting, storage, administration or processing of VOILA Data and/or emails, these third parties only have access to Personal Data to the extent that this is strictly necessary to ensure smooth and/or secure technical processing of the Site, as well as to ensure the provision of responses to requests made via the contact form. In all cases, such access to the User's Personal Data will only be in accordance with applicable law, including with respect to Data confidentiality, privacy, and security obligations.

Finally, VOILA does not transfer User Personal Data outside the European Union.

V. The User's rights to their Personal Data

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the RGPD, the User may exercise the following rights with respect to the Personal Data that VOILA holds about him:

  • Right to information: The User has the right to obtain clear, transparent, understandable and easily accessible information on how VOILA uses their Personal Data and on their rights. This is the reason why VOILA provides the User with the information in this Policy. In addition, for any question relating to the way in which Personal Data is collected and processed, the User may contact the VOILA Personal Data Protection Officer at the following address:
  • Right of access to the User's Personal Data: the User can access all the Personal Data that VOILA has about him, know the origin of this Personal Data and obtain a copy in an understandable format. No reason is necessary to exercise the right of access
  • Right to rectify the User's Personal Data: In order to prevent inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data concerning the User from being processed, the User may request their correction
  • Right to the deletion of the User's Personal Data: the User may request the deletion or deletion of the Personal Data that VOILA holds about him. This is not an absolute right insofar as VOILA may be forced to keep some of the Personal Data for its legal obligations or its legitimate interest in defending itself in the context of a dispute. The User can, for example, exercise his right to deletion in the following cases:
    • If the User has withdrawn their consent to the treatment (see below)
    • If the User has validly opposed the processing of their Data (see below)
    • When the Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was originally collected or processed
    • When Data is processed unlawfully (for example, publication of pirated Data)
  • Right to object to the processing of the User's Personal Data: When VOILA processes his Personal Data on the basis of his legitimate interests (see Section III of this Policy), the User may at any time oppose the processing of his Personal Data. However, on a case-by-case basis, VOILA may not grant such a request for legitimate and compelling reasons for the processing of such data that prevail over the interests of the User, rights and freedoms, or when such data is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
  • Right to limit the processing of the User's Personal Data: The right to limitation complements the other rights available to the User. This right means that the processing of Data carried out by VOILA is limited, so that VOILA can keep this Data, but cannot use it or process it in any other way. This right applies in specific circumstances, namely:
    • If the User disputes the accuracy of his Personal Data or objects to processing based on the legitimate interests pursued by VOILA. The processing is then limited for a period of time allowing VOILA to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data.
    • In cases where the processing is unlawful and the User objects to the deletion of their Personal Data and instead requires the limitation of their use
    • In cases where VOILA no longer needs Personal Data for the purposes mentioned above in Section I, but these are still necessary for the User for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights; and
  • Right to the portability of the User's Personal Data: The User may request to recover the Personal Data provided, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, for personal use or to transmit them to a third party of their choice. This right applies only to Personal Data that the User has provided directly or indirectly and that has been processed using automated processes, when the treatment is based on consent or the execution of a contract. The user is invited to consult the list of legal bases for the processing of Personal Data carried out by VOILA (included in section III of this Policy) to find out whether this processing is based on the execution of a contract or on consent.
  • Right to withdraw consent by the User to the processing of Data carried out on the basis of this consent. The User may consult section III of this Policy in order to identify the purposes for which the processing of Personal Data is based on consent.

The User can exercise all of these rights by sending an email to the VOILA Personal Data Protection Officer at VOILA will respond by electronic means unless the User specifies that he wishes to obtain a response by another means, for example by mail.

VOILA will respond as soon as possible and in any event within one month of receiving the request. This period may be extended by two months to take into account the complexity of the request or the number of requests received. In such a case, VOILA will inform the User no later than one month after receiving the request, specifying the reasons justifying the extension of the response period.

If the User considers that VOILA does not comply with this Policy, in case of dissatisfaction with the way in which VOILA handled his request or if his request was refused, the User may also file an official complaint with the competent authority in the field of Personal Data protection (in France, this is the National Commission for Informatics and Freedoms (CNIL)).

VI. Retention periods

VOILA stores Personal Data in accordance with applicable legal data retention requirements and its internal policies. Data retention will vary depending on the type of Data and the purposes of the processing.

The Data is kept for the duration of the User's contractual and/or pre-contractual relationship with VOILA.

After this period, unless otherwise indicated below, the Data will be deleted with the exception of certain Data that may be necessary to meet a legal obligation or constitute evidence in the context of potential litigation, which will be archived during the applicable limitation period which, in France, is 5 years after the end of the relationship and/or the last contact between the User and VOILA.

Personal Data collected as part of a User's application for a position are, for their part, kept:

  • For a period not exceeding 2 (two) years after their last contact with VOILA if their application was not selected, unless the User indicates that they do not want VOILA to keep their application at the end of the recruitment process, in which case the Personal Data will be immediately deleted
  • For the duration of his working relationship with VOILA, if his application is successful.

VII. Data security

VOILA uses various methods, such as firewalls, intrusion detection software, and physical security procedures, to protect Data from loss or damage, to help protect the accuracy and security of Personal Data, and to prevent unauthorized access or misuse. If the User believes that the Site or any Personal Data is not secure or that there has been an unauthorized access to the Site or to his Personal Data, the User may contact the Data Protection Officer at immediately.

In the event of a Personal Data breach likely to generate a high risk for the rights and freedoms of a User, VOILA will communicate the Data breach to said User as soon as possible, in order to inform him of the nature of the violation, under the conditions of article 34 of the RGPD.

VIII. Notification of changes

This Policy may be modified by VOILA according to changes in the functionalities of the Site, and the services offered as well as the laws applicable to VOILA's activities. These modifications and updates are binding on the User, who must therefore regularly refer to this section and check the Personal Data Protection Policy in force.

If the User wishes to save this text, it is necessary to enter the entire Policy with the mouse and copy and paste by pressing the ctrl-c key.

Cookie Charter

The purpose of this Charter is to provide the User with information concerning the deposit and use of cookies, when browsing the Site, as well as the means available to him to oppose them.

VOILA may update its Charter at any time, and these changes will take effect immediately. VOILA invites the User to refer to it regularly in order to be aware of its latest available version.

In case of questions from the User about the way in which Personal Data is collected, he may contact the VOILA Personal Data Protection Officer at the following address:

I. What is a cookie?

A “Cookie” or a “tracker” is a small text file that is saved in the memory of the User's browser located on their hard drive, when consulting a website, reading an email, installing or using software or a mobile application, and which makes it possible to record and track data concerning their use of the website.

This data does not directly identify the User, but it may relate to their preferences or their device. They are mainly used to allow the proper functioning of the Site, as well as to allow VOILA to establish statistics and measurements of visits to the Site or to allow the User to benefit from a personalized web experience.

II. What Cookies are used on the Site?

1) Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site and cannot be disabled in the systems. They are typically set in response to actions taken by the User that amount to a request for services, such as setting privacy preferences, logging in, or filling out forms. The User can configure their browser to block or alert them about these cookies, but some parts of the Site may be affected. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.

2) Performance and Analytics Cookies

These cookies allow VOILA to identify bugs, thereby improving navigation and the user experience on the Site. They also help VOILA assess how the User navigates the Site. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated. If the User does not accept these cookies, VOILA will not be informed of their visit to the Site.

III. How to manage Cookies?

The User can choose to accept or refuse all or some of the cookies.

During their first visit, by clicking on the “Configure Cookies” button on the Cookie banner, the User can set their preferences according to the type of Cookies.

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