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Integrations for your live

Take advantage of our integrations to maximize the power of your live events

At Voilà, we understand that every live event has unique needs. That's why our platform integrates seamlessly with many third-party services to optimize your broadcast experience, whether it's to better understand your audience, improve conversion, or ensure impeccable quality.

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Peer to Peer integration

With Kollective or Hive offer the best user experience for the live video broadcast on Voilà by using the network in an optimized way. The advantages include:

  1. Improved scalability: By using peer-to-peer connections for video streaming, the load on central servers is reduced. This allows the platform to better manage traffic spikes without the need to invest heavily in server infrastructure.
  2. Reduced bandwidth costs: Peer-to-peer connections allow the bandwidth load to be distributed between users themselves, reducing costs for the platform by decreasing dependence on bandwidth providers.
  3. Improved broadcast quality: By using direct connections between users for video streaming, latency can be reduced, improving the overall quality of live streaming by minimizing delays and interruptions.
  4. Increased resilience: Benefit from stable broadcasts even in case of network outages or connectivity issues, ensuring better availability of video content for users.
  5. Protection against DDoS attacks: Mitigate distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks by distributing the load among peers.
  6. Enhanced privacy: Enjoy better privacy for more security. Data is exchanged directly between peers, reducing the possibility of interception or surveillance.
Okta logoAzure Active Directory Logo

SSO integration

With Okta, OneLogin, Azure you can offer:

  1. Seamless user experience: Users only need to log in once to access all the platform's features. This greatly simplifies their experience and reduces the friction of multiple logins.
  2. Improved security: Centralize identity and access management, and reinforce your security policy, such as two-factor authentication.
  3. Simplified account management: Easily manage user accounts, including creation, modification, and deletion, as well as access permissions.
Hubspot logoMicrosoft Dynamics Logo

CRM integration

With HubSpot and Microsoft Dynamics, make live events an effective lever in your marketing strategy. You will benefit from:

  1. In-depth understanding of the audience: The integration allows data on user interactions with the video platform to be collected and analyzed, such as questions, chat messages, and viewing time. This allows businesses to better understand their audience and adapt their content accordingly to improve engagement. And this customer knowledge is reported directly into your CRM tool.
  2. Customer relationship management: Send your invitations and participation links directly from your CRM.
  3. Improved deliverability of your invitations: Ensure your messages reach their destination with your CRM tool.
weezevent logoBilletWeb logo

Ticketing integration

Create paid events in partnership with ticketing solutions like Weezevent and Billetweb. Whether for concerts, shows, or online events, facilitate ticket management. To learn more, discover our dedicated page.

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The call to action as close as possible to live!

Add calls-to-action directly in your live videos to maximize engagement:

  • Scheduler Calendly or HubSpot: For a first exchange with prospects.
  • Forms Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, HubSpot, Typeform, and others: To better understand your participants.
  • Newsletter subscription Substack, Mailchimp ou HubSpot: To better understand your participants.
  • Donation pages like Tipee: To support your causes.

With Voilà, every integration is smooth and efficient, appearing as a tab and then as a panel to maximize the conversion of your actions.

Calendly integration