Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

Interactive video broadcast solution

Your ally for a professional quality streaming video experience

With our video player, stream your content in a smooth, reliable, and highly engaging way.

Thanks to our intuitive interface and advanced features, you have all the cards in hand to captivate your audience, wherever they are.

Our video player meets all of your streaming needs, whether it's for webinars, online conferences, or mainstream events.


  • Create a unique experience by customizing your streaming video broadcast page according to your brand image.
  • Offer a total immersion in your universe thanks to our white label player, no mention of Voilà appears. You can also customize the URL and domain name of your broadcast.
  • Integrate the Voilà player, as well as your program sessions, on any third-party website of your choice, providing a completely seamless experience for your audience.


  • Engage your audience actively remotely and in real time with our features: emojis, chat, survey, quiz, word cloud, satisfaction survey, 3D model, interactive map, question, video question, photo wall.
  • Make your live broadcast more dynamic with our “call to action” tools: action buttons for making an appointment, downloading a file, link to go further, product sheet for live shopping, form for collecting information.
  • The key is to best integrate the remote audience
    • Employees who need to be federated, motivated, and informed.
    • Customers or prospects who need to be listened to, interested and convinced.

Access to the streaming event

3 types of access configuration: private broadcast, broadcast upon registration, broadcast with direct access.

  1. Secure the confidentiality of your content by setting up a list of authorized emails.
  2. Facilitate the management of participants and collect important information by integrating a registration form into your distribution landing page.
  3. Offer direct access to your stream without the need for prior registration. Ideal option for public streaming shows where you want to maximize the reach of your audience and simplify the access process.

Streaming quality

  • Broadcast your streaming videos in full HD quality with minimal latency and provide the best video experience for your audience.
  • Broadcast your streaming shows globally, even in China, with a scalability of up to 200,000 people, and on any device to reach a wider audience.
  • Adaptive streaming: The video quality is adjusted according to the conditions of the participant's network.