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If the digitalization of corporate events was an excellent alternative during the COVID-19 health crisis, the practice is now fully rooted in morals. Organize a digital event represents, in fact, a first-choice solution for many companies. In addition, this method has multiple advantages compared to preparing for a traditional physical event: it is less expensive, more respectful of the planet, but also more flexible for organizers and guests. In addition, when the organization relies on adapted tools, the virtual also maximizes The experience of the participants. Digital technology offers businesses a new way of working and interacting remotely. It is transforming the event sector and makes it possible to communicate differently. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the event sector has had to renew itself and find alternatives to meet health constraints. So, of new types of events have emerged and persisted despite the gradual end of lockdown and the return to normal life. This is particularly the case of The hybrid event (or phygital). The hybrid event is a gathering halfway between The physical event and The digital event. More precisely, it is an appointment that occurs physically, but is simultaneously transcribed online. Part of the audience is thus at the meeting place, while the other benefits from a distance (from abroad, their office, their home, etc.). This format has many advantages. In this case, his impact on the public is much more important, less expensive and has a low impact on the environment. What is a hybrid event? How do you organize this type of meeting? Answers.

  1. What is a hybrid event?
  2. The 4 advantages of organizing a phygital eventNo geographic constraintsAn inexpensive organizationA positive impact on participantsFewer consequences on the environment
  3. Engaging the public during a hybrid event: the key to success

What is a hybrid event?

The hybrid (or phygital) event combines, during the same meeting, a face-to-face meeting And a virtual experience. More specifically, it brings together listeners physically and is simultaneously broadcast live. It thus allows people who are on the move to experience the moment directly, and those who are at a distance to enjoy it despite the geographical barrier. Be careful, however, not to confuse online dating and hybrid dating:

  • in the first case, the interview takes place 100% online and all participants access it remotely;
  • In the second case, the meeting takes place physically, but the content is simultaneously broadcast live (by videoconference, live streaming, live on social networks, etc.).

The phygital event is a format that combines the two worlds (physical and virtual) in order to provide a unique experience to the guests. Increasingly popular in France, these meetings are innovative, original and have a much greater impact on the participants. They benefit from the exchanges and interactions of the event, which takes place live, with the advantages offered by digital technology.

The 4 advantages of organizing a phygital event

Organizing a hybrid event has several advantages:

  • there are no geographic constraints;
  • its cost is lower;
  • the scope of the event is greater;
  • its ecological impact is lower.


No geographic constraints

One of the first advantages of the hybrid event is that it is possible to group more people. On the one hand, spectators who can afford to travel can go to the meeting place and watch the conference live. On the other hand, those who are limited by various constraints (travel, time, and others) can still reach them remotely. Digital does not impose any geographical restrictions, so the hybrid event can reach a wider audience. Regardless of where they are, participants only need a computer and Internet access to follow and contribute to the rally. This last point is particularly important: the hybrid event does not harm in any way the people who attend the live remotely. They can also interact and exchange with stakeholders while respecting the rules in force.

An inexpensive organization

The hybrid event often represents a less expensive alternative for organizers. Indeed, it makes it possible to bring people together, no matter where they are. Professionals, in a single event, communicate with members located in different geographical areas. They thus avoid traveling from city to city or from country to country to plan the same event and deploy it to different actors. A single hybrid conference brings together all the company's customers, partners and employees.

A positive impact on participants

Phygital experiences generally have a very positive impact on participants. The atmosphere is pleasant, meetings are facilitated and commitment remains important. It is an innovative solution for conferring added value at the organized appointment. The physical part of the phygital event brings a lot of conviviality that can be felt even at a distance. Finally, the hybrid event lives longer. It is possible to offer a Access to the replay of the event. Participants who could not have attended it live can then watch it on time.

Fewer consequences on the environment

It is important to note that hybrid events have a lower carbon footprint than physical events. And for good reason! The phygital event involves less travel, less travel, fewer reservations in hotel rooms, less use of water and electricity on the site, etc. By integrating hybrid events into company practices, it becomes simpler to organize eco-responsible events that have fewer impacts on the planet. This aspect will be all the more important if the physical part of the hybrid event is also responsible thanks to:

  • the use of eco-friendly materials and accessories;
  • the promotion of carpooling or public transport to access the meeting place;
  • sorting waste on site;
  • the prioritization of digital communication media rather than paper, etc.

Engaging the public during a hybrid event: the key to success

The reaction of the public during a hybrid event is not the same as during a 100% face-to-face event. It is important to take this into account and to opt for the appropriate solutions in order to promote engagement. It is essential to offer innovative interactions that will satisfy both the people who are physically present and those who follow the live remotely. At Voilà, we are convinced that digital conferences are complementary to physical conferences. In order to allow you to offer participants an exceptional experience, we have established tools on our platform that will help you maximize listeners' listening and engagement in order to generate real added value:

  • the integration of 3D objects in the video stream;
  • The extended screen, or extended screen, for total compatibility with mobiles;
  • Portrait mode broadcasting thanks to our Voilà Direct application;
  • The emojis customizable ;
  • The cat ;
  • Questions/answers ;
  • The polls ;
  • word clouds;
  • The photo wall ;
  • The satisfaction survey ;
  • The presentations slides, images, videos, etc.

Thanks to these interaction functions, you will be able to constantly Set the rhythm of your live, while providing physically present guests with the attention they deserve. As you can see, the organization hybrid events is revolutionizing the professional world. Innovative and particularly engaging, these experiences capture the interest of participants, create a positive impact on members and know no geographical limits.Request a demo 🚀

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