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Webinar formats are constantly evolving, and attendees are looking for experiences that are more interactive, engaging, and relevant than ever. At that point, some of our users really stand out.

Find all our tutorials hereAnd here's how they do it:

  • Their webinar formats Are based on interactivity: participants want concrete and commitment. Give priority 30-60 minute sessions with questions and answers, polls, and quizzes. There you have it, offers you More than 10 activities to maximize the engagement of your participants. We Have Already Gone Out A video about hosting a webinar.
  • Their webinar formats comply with The U.U.U rule : Urgent/useful/ultra-specific. Audiences are looking for Specific contents And Pointed That Responds to a Point of Urgent pain. Target a specific audience and offer highly relevant webinars. The webinar Voilà L'Émission “Producing more video, faster thanks to AI” worked very well.
  • As I've told you a lot, They Vary the Formats presentation with videos and slides. And what works well is inviting expert influencers! Participants are looking for insights from people who are leaders in their field. As a bonus, these experts will also promote your webinar to their community.
  • They tell a story! You have to script the information you are going to share. A story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. We take participants from point A to point B. Focus on storytelling, even in the context of an interview to show the journey of your guest.

Finally, beyond these trends, two types of webinars are gaining momentum:

  • Live shopping : it is a brand that offers a webinar to advise its prospects and propose an offer at the end of the live. It is very effective and the Voilà statistical interface allows you to visualize the success of your webinar in a graph.
  • Onboarding: Recruiting and keeping the right profiles is key. So a lot of our customers use Voilà for Welcoming Their New Hires. And with us, there's nothing like the Photowall to start creating a team spirit.

That's it, you now know a bit more about the subject! I hope this quick guide has enlightened you. Also find Our first article on the subject here.For more exciting content, stay tuned for our next articles and videos and Find Out Now Our webinar tool.

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