Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

Each month, find out the main news on our platform. On the agenda this month, toys to buy, more flexible invitations, and even more direct access.

Toy Story: Welcome to the world of liveshopping!

Do you host live shopping events? Do you want to encourage participants to buy your latest trendy book, gadget, or hat? Voilà allows you to show real product pages during the live session, just like e-commerce sites, above the video:

  • Go to the studio. Click on “Activities” to add one or more products.
  • Fill in the necessary information: visuals, prices, promotional prices, etc.
  • Save and view as many products as you want during the live session!

BONUS: Find all the products you want to make available for all your sessions in your organization's library! No need to reinvent the wheel.

Les fiches produits au sein du player

Katia, our live evangelist, made a great video on the webinar formats that are popular in 2024. She tells us about liveshopping:

The invitation: a finishing touch!

We meet every Wednesday to decide on future features of Voilà based on what you, our readers, tell us. We already know that these two new features will make you happy! So read on!

Are you organizing an event with several sessions? Don't your participants have time to attend all the live sessions? Good news, they can now download the invitation specific to the session they want to attend. It's very simple, it takes place on the event website:

Image de la vignette cliquable de session sur Voilà

But that is not all. You can also personalize the event invitation text. Another opportunity to communicate better with your participants! This can be done in the “email” section:

Le champ éditable pour le corps de l'invitation

Nickname: Let chance decide!

You may want anyone to be able to join your event. So why ask them to fill out a form or give their name?

By enabling direct access and clicking “Don't ask attendees to provide their names,” people who click on the event link will be taken directly to the event page. A nickname (always respectful and never offensive) will be automatically generated, allowing them to participate in the chat.

How do I activate it?

In the “Configuration” of your event, by clicking on the direct access and “Configure”.

Un accès direct avec pseudo

Other News

Here are a few other updates:

  • Switch to video podcasts by creating podcast sessions.
  • The statistics section has evolved in terms of looks and content, with the addition of average viewing time. We'll provide a more in-depth look in an upcoming newsletter.
  • Don't Forget (or Miss) to Record the Replay of Your Sessions! This can now be done in the event configuration and applies to all sessions.

If you want to master our platform from start to finish, take advantage of our new training offer:

  • 2-Hour Beginner Training
  • 1-day advanced training.

To learn more, contact our support email at

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