Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

Each month, find the main updates of our platform. This month, the new version of the quiz and richer replays.

Organize Raffles with the Quiz

Do you have a smartphone to give away? Do you want to spice up your quiz with a raffle? Good news! From now on, the quiz activity includes a raffle that will also allow you to collect the email or phone number of your participants. To set up the raffle, it's very simple: go to the Quiz activity editor:

Capture d'écran du tirage au sort dans le backoffice de Voilà.

Even Richer Replays

Replays on Voilà are now interactive! Activities such as product sheets, forms, or chat are available in the replay.You can also trim the beginning and end of your recording to start after the waiting loop, for example.All of this can be done in the Replay control room:

Capture d'écran Voilà le Replay

If you want to master our platform from start to finish, take advantage of our new training offer:

  • 2-Hour Beginner Training
  • 1-day advanced training.

To learn more, contact our support email address:

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