Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

This month, on the menu, a brand new moderation console, a major evolution of the web studio and a redesign of the data export files for your events.

New moderation deck

Voilà offers a console dedicated to the moderators of your live. It is available in the studio by clicking here:

La console modération de voilà

There you will find:

  • Internal chat for speakers and organizers
  • The participants' chat
  • Outstanding messages sent to the person in charge of the animation
  • And a preview of the live.
La toute nouvelle console de modération de Voilà

Drag and drop in the web studio

It's better to watch a video to explain what's change.Here's how to connect remote stakeholders:

And how to use Drag and Drop:

The other changes

  • The C.S.V and Excel exports for the statistics section have been revised in order to be clearer.
  • The statistics are enriched with the appearance of the number of previews of your program in case you have integrated a video trailer.

That's it for today!

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