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What webcam model will highlight you enough for your participants to get the most out of your webinar? Which brand should you choose? At the end of the article, a tip for having the best image quality for free with Voilà!

On the menu:

  • How do I make good use of my computer's webcam without spending a cent?
  • What webinar webcam for a budget of 100 euros?
  • What webcam or webinar camera for a budget of 200 euros or more?

How do I make good use of my computer's webcam without spending a cent?

Just because you don't want to spend doesn't mean it's impossible to optimize the hardware that's already at your disposal.

Here are some tips for making the best use of the webcam on your computer, Mac, or PC:

  • Clean your webcam with a soft cloth
  • Remove backlights: Avoid light sources behind you. Prefer a white or colored bookcase or wall in the background.
  • Pay attention to the framing: your eyes should be at the top first third of the frame.
  • Connect your computer wired to the internet: your internet service provider had to provide you with an ethernet cable. Connect it directly to your box and to your computer in order to have the best possible flow.

These simple tips to implement will allow you to: professionalize your appearance during your webinar.

What webcam for a budget of 100 euros?

You want invest a small budget to improve your image ? There are thousands of webcam models out there. Some brands are more recognized than others, including Logitech, Elgato, or Raizer.

Here are some models that have proven their worth:

  • La webcam Razer Kiyo : A model that stands out for its low price (around fifty euros) and its circular lighting. Perfect for improving your setup.
  • La Logitech StreamCam : a high-resolution model that is very popular with content creators, youtubers and other twitchers. Its originality is to film in landscape but also in portrait as on a smartphone. The icing on the cake is that his microphone is stereo.
  • La Elgato Facecam webcam : A model from a well-known brand in The world of streaming. Its originality lies in its Sony sensor which ensures excellent image quality.

From left to right, the Razer, the Logitech and the Elgato

While these models allow you to significantly improve your image quality, you must however continue to follow the best practices mentioned above: no backlighting, the fastest possible Internet connection etc.

What webcam for a budget of 200 euros or more?

If you are reading these lines, you are ready to invest in having the best video quality possible. At this price, you can get either a premium webcam or a vlogging camera.

Premium webcams

These are webcams that combine premium technical specifications such as a video sensor and more powerful ones or artificial intelligence:

  • La Logitech MX Brio: A 4K webcam that focuses on image excellence thanks to Artificial Intelligence that fixes the rendering if your room is not very bright. We like the cache that allows you to block the lens and protect your privacy.
  • THEElgato Facecam Pro : A premium 4K model that still relies on Sony sensors.
  • La Logitech Start : a wireless jewel that allows you to surprise with multi-plan if you choose to buy the 3-pack counting more than 1,500 euros all the same;).

From left to right, Logitech Brio, Elgato Facecam Pro, and Logitech Start

Vlogging cameras

You may already have a camera at home that, plugged into your computer, acts as a Premium webcam ? Inquire, it may be worth it.

If this is not the case, here are the references that will allow you to have a top image:

  • The Sony ZV-1F : it's a three in one. At the same time a great camera, A vlogging camera and a premium webcam. Considering all of these use cases, it's a great investment.
  • The Canon Powershot V10 : a small vlogging camera with a big one-inch video sensor like the Sony. The Canon Powershot is distinguished by its minimal footprint and built-in microphones that will give the best possible sound without accessories. Plug it into your computer and presto, it's a premium webcam.
The Sony ZV-1F on the left, the Canon Powershot V10 on the right.

What if you had the best image for zero euros of investment?

Voilà offers a solution that will delight those who do not wish to invest at all and who nevertheless want to: the best possible image quality.

We thought that smartphones were now excellent cameras capable of producing images worthy of a professional camera in certain situations, especially for a webinar.

So we developed The Voilà Live mobile application. You can download it for free on the AppStore Or the Google Play Market.

No password, just scan a QR code to connect as a speaker with the best possible image quality and in the best conditions.

It's up to you to play! And for that, we invite you to test Voilà, our all-in-one tool for your internal and external webinars of course:

📬 Management of participants, mailing campaigns, automation of reminders.

🛜 A website to broadcast your webinar, highly customizable to adapt to your brand.

🎬 A web studio to produce and broadcast your own show without having to use a control room.

🕹️ Live activities such as quizzes, polls, word clouds etc. to keep the attention of your participants.

🧰 Call to action to be activated live to suggest making an appointment during, downloading a white paper, organizing a competition etc.

📺 Broadcast of the replay just after the live.

📊 Ultra-advanced balance, with super stylish graphs

See you soon on Voilà!

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