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What time frame for a webinar? What is the best time to do a webinar? Knowing how to choose the ideal moment can make all the difference in the success of your live.

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Here are 5 tips for choosing the time slot for your webinar:

  • First of all Understand Your Audience and Their Habits. Tell yourself that your target is a persona and give yourself a representation of their life:
    • When is she most available to devote 45 minutes to you and listen to you attentively?
    • For example, if you are speaking to individuals, you will have more participants outside of office hours at 7:00pm rather than at 2:00pm.
  • Also Take Into Account the Time Zone of your main audience, and if your audience is international, consider the different time zones to find a time slot that works for the majority.
  • At the beginning, Test test test ! There are 24 hours in a day, so 24 webinar slots per day and 168 during the week. Remember that the webinar then becomes a replay. You will always have people who can't connect so send them the link to the replay in order to Maximize the impact of your webinar
  • Really Do Not Hesitate To Watch What Others Are Doing ! Identify the companies that are hosting webinars with your target audience and look at their audience figures. It is very easy on Linkedin to see how many people participated in a live.
  • Adapt to the Seasons and at events. During summer vacation, people may be less available, while periods of peak business activity can offer unique opportunities to attract an engaged audience. For example, a fitness company that does a webinar on the best training techniques should do so at the beginning of the year at the time of resolutions rather than in the middle of summer.

Once you have found your ideal niche, maintain it in order to Create a Real Appointment. And don't get away from it!

At Voilà, we organize Video marketing programs With different guests each time. And we could see that Thursday 11:00 was the best time. We Broke This Rule Once and The Hearings Were Halved.

That's it, you now know a bit more about the subject! Hope this quick guide has enlightened you. Also find Our first article on the subject here.

For more exciting content, stay tuned for our next articles and videos and Find Out Now Our webinar tool.

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