Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

We were lucky enough to welcome Jean-Baptiste Viet in Voilà L'ÉMISSION. Jean-Baptiste is an author and YouTuber. Its channel helps to take control of the new services offered by Artificial Intelligence. We wanted to know more about the tools he uses to produce his videos.

Why a show about AI and video?

Because any content creator will tell you that, creating a video or preparing a live takes a lot of time, especially when it comes to being present on social networks.

Because video is THE engaging format par excellence, and even more so live, so it's worth it to go to the trouble. And if AI also makes it possible to go faster, why deprive yourself? You still need to know which AIs to use.

Because our guest is author of 3 books from Eyrolles Business upon video marketing whether on YouTube, on TikTok or Instagram or for the BtoB world. He uses AI on a daily basis to offer a new video every week on Her YouTube channel followed by over 87,000 subscribers. AI has even become the main theme of his channel!

Preparing a video using Artificial Intelligence

Jean-Baptiste use the following services:

Shoot and edit your video

There are now a lot of services to shoot and edit your video more quickly:

  • Nvidia Contact Eye adjusts the orientation of your eyes. So you're always looking at the camera.
  • Heygen or Synclabs transform a voice into a video
  • WyattBlue Autoeditor automatically dynamizes the editing.
  • The sound can be improved by Adobe Enhance.
  • Clipping can be improved even without a green background with CapCut

Broadcast your video everywhere

This is the difficulty of content creators: to effectively distribute their production! Here too, AI can help 👍

  • Whisper Generate subtitles automatically
  • Clone the voice and translated it into 29 languages.
  • Your video transcript can be used in ChatGPT to create a blog post.
  • You can also adapt more easily to mobile uses with Adobe Rush, which turns a video into a landscape in portrait mode.

All of Jean-Baptiste's advice is available in this infographic that you can download!

It's up to you to play! And for that, we invite you to test Voilà, our all-in-one tool for your internal and external webinars of course:

📬 Management of participants, mailing campaigns, automation of reminders.

🛜 A website to broadcast your webinar, highly customizable to adapt to your brand.

🎬 A web studio to produce and broadcast your own show without having to use a control room.

🕹️ Live activities such as quizzes, polls, word clouds etc. to keep the attention of your participants.

🧰 Call to action to be activated live to suggest making an appointment during, downloading a white paper, organizing a competition etc.

📺 Broadcast of the replay just after the live.

📊 Ultra-advanced balance, with super stylish graphs

See you soon on Voilà!

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