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Wednesday September 14, 2022, Voilà had the pleasure of organizing an event that welcomed 300 remote participants, connected to the platform, on the theme of “The battle for attention”.

The subject of “The Battle for Attention”

What are the major challenges for brands, for agencies and for all organizers of meetings, conferences, seminars, symposiums, grand rallies, grand barnum? And above all, how to win this battle for attention in the era of remote video conferencing, in the era of the hybrid and the “no show”, in the era of the” Zoom fatigue ” and teleworking that sometimes dries up events?

Discover the video replay of the event: a real interactive and conversational live, where comments and interactions played an important role.

Definitions of attention

Laurence Rousseau, Editorial Director of My Event Network and Meet In: “it's the ability to get out of your automatic way, the ability to be available to others and to yourself. Let's stop making our goldfish in our jars, to quote the book “The civilization of the goldfish” by Bruno Patino”. To know more about this book, click here.Pascal Jacques-Gustave, Innovation Director at Havas Events: “it is the ability to be attentive, that is to say to respond to stimuli (sound, image, content offered to us), in a more or less concentrated way and over a more or less long period of time. This has an obvious impact on our ability to remember a given piece of information and to appreciate it.” To summarize, “the challenge of attention is to try to play on several levers so that the audience is attentive at the right time and so that they retain the right messages.”, CEO of Voilà: “Attention is the ability of the mind to be totally captivated by what is happening, to be captivated by the messages given, etc. In an event, we indeed expect sustained attention from our participations that goes beyond the attention that I can pay when I am doing a routine task. We are looking for real listening... But it's a temporary state, you can't stay at this level of concentration for very long, so that's what the interaction is going to be for: to recreate commitment and therefore create attention.” Some definitions given by the participants:

“It is the ability to be focused on the present moment and on a subject that interests us”

“It's mobilizing all your resources (vision, listening, thinking) on a subject”

“It's the ability to focus your mind on a specific area of interest over a period of time”

“It is the ability to generate involvement on a subject that is superior to other subjects”

“It's letting go + the present moment = listening”

“It's having a smile during the event and having the impression of no longer being behind your screen”

The conditions for success

What are the conditions for the success of a remote event? What are the best practices? What makes it work? There is no magic recipe, but there are several things to consider. First, there are a few key aspects, such as the definition of clear objectives, the attractiveness of the content, the common theme of the event, etc. You can find all its different aspects in more detail in our article” How to make your online event a success? ” .At Voilà, we have developed a real Framework to support our customers.

  • Make live a real live and be ready to adapt in real time

Event organizers must be willing to take a real risk. Because if remote or on-site participants have real input on the event, it means that the organizer does not control everything. But you have to accept the surprise and know how to adjust the live broadcast live. At Voilà, we have developed a driver, which allows you to pre-program all the activities that the platform offers and to trigger them progressively during the live. But you have to agree to adapt to live music and that's why we also developed a Régie Live, which makes it easy to plan new things: a moderation of questions, when this was not planned, a new activity to recreate commitment...

  • Take into account specific experiences, especially in a hybrid, of people remotely and in person.

In particular for hybrid events, it is necessary to think about the experience of the physical participant and the experience of the remote participant during the actual construction of the event. Both types of participants will experience the same event but with different experiences. It is therefore necessary to have mechanisms adapted and specific to each one. At Voilà, we have developed theExtended Screen, which allows you to have all the interactions remotely on your smartphone. This was especially developed for natural persons, so that the people in the room could also participate in the activities, could like, could ask questions... At Voilà, we have also created a new role, that of Live Manager, whose only concern is to think of the person at a distance and to animate them during the live.

The numbers

Attention and commitment are at the heart of the concerns of businesses and for all audiences.The event in figures:

562 messages sent

A satisfaction score of 4.3 out of 5

3,892 emojis sent

an average of 2.3 interactions per person throughout the event

71% of participants were connected on a computer and 29% on a smartphone

11 activities in total throughout the event (2 word clouds, 4 surveys, 2 questions asked, 2 3D objects and 1 call with the Metaverse!)


Attention has become the number 1 priority when it comes to remote events. Thanks to its immersive solutions, Voilà makes the remote experience an enhanced experience that promotes attention. Do you want to give your audience a unique experience during your next digital event?Request a demo

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